Hi there!

- Make meaningful progress on your dream project, regardless of the many hours spent at your job
- Find deep fulfillment in creating a little bit every day, even when you’re super busy
- Get your best ideas out of your head so you and others can benefit from them
- Become a master of the craft you’ve always loved
- Stop being so freakin’ hard on yourself, and start using that energy to do your best work instead
It’s not just the ideas themselves that we daydream about. We dream of the impact they could have in our lives. The prospect of finishing something amazing and getting it noticed is exciting because it would open doors that would otherwise remain forever closed. We look forward to a day when we may just be able to quit working for “the man” and start producing what we want to produce all day every day. If only we had enough time, enough talent, and enough money right now to do these ideas justice, right?
Getting our most compelling ideas out of our heads where other people might be able to enjoy them is super important, but it’s really difficult. Often our own psychology holds us back from finishing or even starting. “No one’s going to see this or even care,” we might think. “I’m not good enough at (fill-in-the-blank) to do this right. I’m going to mess it up.” And with beliefs like that, why even try? It’s disheartening.
What if I told you that you CAN overcome the barriers that hold you back from making progress on the things that are the most vital for you to bring to the world? Over 18 months ago, I started that process on Meager Quest, and I finally stuck with it. I’m just as committed to the project now as I was the day I started. If I can make that happen, you can too!
This blog is for the dreamer who wants to finally stop just dreaming and get to work. It’s for the writer that feels she could fill a library with the books she’s given up on. It’s for the artist that’s sick and tired of relegating unfinished masterpieces to a closet in the basement. In short, it’s for storytellers who are ready to stop telling epic stories to only themselves. Take heart! There’s nothing seriously wrong with you. You’ve likely just been relying on fickle things like passion that ebb and flow, that ultimately have a way of letting you down. You can learn to rely on rock-solid principles that will more reliably get you where you want to be, and I’ll show you how.
Start now with the time and talent that you currently have available, even though it may not seem like enough. Work slow and steady, a little each day, and your efforts will add up. I promise.
Stories as big and beloved as Star Wars, The Legend of Zelda, Batman, the Avengers, Harry Potter, and Adventure Time started out as ideas in someone’s head. The world is a more interesting place because they built them and brought them to us. You have ideas that could make an impact for the better too, if only they had a chance of escaping the confines of your own thoughts. You’ve gotta let them fly free, imperfections and all.
I’ll be posting my experiences, insights, and thoughts here on a regular basis, all with the intent that I can inspire you to take bold, concrete steps toward fulfilling your creative dream.
Feel free to contact me anytime. I always read and respond to your messages.
If you’d like to know more about my own labor of love, visit meagerquest.com.
If you’re interested in backing and supporting Meager Quest, visit our Patreon.